PortaBase is a small database program for creating, browsing, and editing custom tables of data. Typical uses are media inventories, reference charts, TODO lists, shopping lists, etc. Notable features include:
- String, Integer, Decimal, Boolean, Note (multi-line text), Date, Time, Calculation, Sequence, Image, and Enum column types
- Custom data views (subsets of the columns in any order)
- Filter the displayed rows using sets of conditions
- Sort the rows by any combination of columns, each in ascending or descending order
- Good performance even when browsing large tables; the display only loads data as needed
- Optional page navigation buttons, with custom number of rows per page
- Add, delete, rearrange, and rename columns at any time
- Specify default values for columns
- View summary statistics for columns (total, average, min, max, etc.)
- Import data from CSV, XML, and MobileDB files
- Export data to CSV, HTML, and XML files
- Command-line format conversions (to and from XML, to and from CSV, from MobileDB, to HTML)
- Print the data grid with view, sorting, and filter applied (not supported on Maemo)
- Fullscreen mode option
- Optional data file encryption
- Unicode support
- Pick any available font to use throughout the application (not supported on Mac OS X)
- User-specified alternating row background colors (Maemo Fremantle uses colors from the system theme instead)
- Simple calculator widget for entering numeric data