PortaBase File Format
PortaBase files are Metakit database files. As such, they can be conveniently accessed and manipulated using the Metakit library via programs written in C++, Python, or Tcl. They can also be used by any program written to work with Metakit files in general, such as KitViewer. For low-level details of the format such as endianness, arrangement of bits in the file, header structure, etc. see the Metakit documentation and source code. What is described here is the set of "tables" that PortaBase creates and uses inside of these files, and a bit about how they interact to make certain PortaBase features possible. With this information, you can write a script or program to create, access, and/or update a PortaBase file; possible uses include:
- Use a Python web app (in Django, etc.) to display the contents of a PortaBase file on the web.
- Create a PortaBase file from some data source, such as a PalmOS database application. Unlike with CSV import, this would allow you to also transfer information like filters and views.
- Transfer data from PortaBase to another application's format; this is the inverse of the last case.
- Batch generate PortaBase files (for example, create a set of files from a central data repository, each one customized for a different person and automatically emailed to them).
The addition of support for command-line XML import and export in version 1.5 makes it even easier to programatically create and edit PortaBase files; see the XML format documentation for more information.
Naming conventions
Data in Metakit files is organized by columns, where columns are defined independently of any "table". A Metakit "view" is similar to a table in the relational database sense in that it contains rows and columns. In order to prevent name clashes between columns used in different views, PortaBase uses the following naming conventions:
- All views, columns, and text values named in the code begin with an underscore. (User-input values which could potentially clash with these are not allowed to begin with an underscore.)
- Column names start (after the underscore) with a 1-2 letter abbreviation of the name of the view in which they are used.
Text encoding
Strings are stored in Metakit files as null-terminated 1-byte character sequences. These character sequences in PortaBase files represent text which has been encoded in UTF-8 in order to support Unicode characters beyond those used by Western European languages.
The _global View
Metakit format string: _global[_gversion:I,_gview:S,_gsort:S,_gfilter:S,_gcrypt:I]
This view contains exactly one row which contains information about the database file as a whole and the condition in which the user last left it. It uses the following columns:
- _gversion (integer) - The version of the PortaBase format used by this file. Because of the way Metakit lets you easily include or exclude columns from a view, this value can be accessed even if the column structure of the _global view has changed since the file was created. The mapping between PortaBase versions and file format versions is here
- _gview (string) - The name of the view currently being displayed in the data viewer.
- _gsort (string) - The name of the sorting currently in use. This may be "" if none is being used.
- _gfilter (string) - The name of the filter currently in use.
- _gcrypt (integer) - 1 if the data file contents are encrypted, 0 otherwise.
The _columns View
Metakit format string: _columns[_cindex:I,_cname:S,_ctype:I,_cdefault:S,_cid:I]
This view defines the column structure of the _data view, described below, which contains the rows of data entered by the user. Each row of this view defines one column of the data table. It uses the following columns:
- _cindex (integer) - The zero-based index at which the column is located in the row editor and the "All Columns" view.
- _cname (string) - The name of the column
- _ctype (integer) - An integer code representing the data type of the column. The mapping between codes and data types is here
- _cdefault (string) - Default value of the column, used when adding a new row or when the column is first added (if there are existing rows of data). For sequence columns, this is the next number that will be used.
- _cid (integer) - ID number for this column, different from that of any other column defined in this view.
The _data View
Metakit format string: Varies
This view is where the main database content is stored. The first column is named "_id" and contains the unique ID number of each row. The rows are consecutively numbered, starting at 0 and ending at one less than the number of rows. (When a row is deleted, the rows are renumbered accordingly.) The rest of the column structure of _data is determined by the data in the _columns view. Each column has an identifier which is derived from the column's ID number and data type. Decimal values and Calculation results are actually stored in two consecutive columns; one for a floating point representation (used for sorting, filtering, and statistics) and the other storing the string each value was originally entered as (for display). Similarly, enum values are stored both in a string column containing the option text and an integer column containing the option index. Images are stored in a bytes column, followed by a string column containing the name of the image format (either "JPEG" or "PNG").
For example, a _columns view that looks like this:
_cindex | _cname | _ctype | _cdefault | _cid |
0 | Title | 0 | 0 | |
1 | Price | 2 | 39.95 | 1 |
2 | Pages | 1 | 400 | 2 |
3 | InStock | 3 | 1 | 4 |
4 | Cover | 9 | 5 |
would yield this Metakit format string for _data:
The _views View
Metakit format string: _views[_vname:S,_vrpp:I,_vdeskrpp:I,_vsort:S,_vfilter:S]
This view stores basic information about the PortaBase views (column subsets) defined for this database. It uses the following columns:
- _vname (string) - The name of the view
- _vrpp (integer) - The maximum number of rows to show per page in the data viewer when opened on a cell phone or other small device
- _vdeskrpp (integer) - The maximum number of rows to show per page in the data viewer when opened on a PC
- _vsort (string) - The name of the sorting to apply when this view is selected ("_none" if the sorting should be left as is)
- _vfilter (string) - The name of the filter to apply when this view is selected ("_none" if the filter should be left as is)
The rest of the information needed to define a PortaBase view is in the _viewcolumns view. Note: there is always a PortaBase view named "_all", which includes all the columns from _columns in the same order.
The _viewcolumns View
Metakit format string: _viewcolumns[_vcview:S,_vcindex:I,_vcname:S,_vcwidth:I,_vcdeskwidth:I]
This view contains information about each column included in a PortaBase view. It uses the following columns:
- _vcview (string) - The name of a PortaBase view (as defined in _vname from the _views view)
- _vcindex (integer) - The zero-based index at which this column is located in the view
- _vcname (string) - The name of this column (as defined in _cname from the _columns view)
- _vcwidth (integer) - The display width of this column in pixels when viewed on a cell phone or other small device
- _vcdeskwidth (integer) - The display width of this column in pixels when viewed on a PC
The _sorts View
Metakit format string: _sorts[_sname:S]
This view gives basic information about the sortings defined for this database. It currently has only one column:
- _sname (string) - The name of the sorting
The rest of the information needed to define a sorting is in the _sortcolumns view. Note: if the data in this file has ever been sorted by clicking on a column label in the data viewer, there is a sorting named "_single" which has one entry in _viewcolumns for the clicked column.
The _sortcolumns View
Metakit format string: _sortcolumns[_scsort:S,_scindex:I,_scname:S,_scdesc:I]
This view contains information about each column included in a sorting. It uses the following columns:
- _scsort (string) - The name of a sorting (as defined in _sname from the _sorts view)
- _scindex (integer) - The zero-based index at which this column is located in the sorting (0 is sorted first, ties are sorted by 1, etc.)
- _scname (string) - The name of this column (as defined in _cname from the _columns view)
- _scdesc (integer) - 0 if this column is sorted in ascending order, 1 for descending order
The _filters View
Metakit format string: _filters[_fname:S]
This view gives basic information about the filters defined for this database. It currently has only one column:
- _fname (string) - The name of the filter
The rest of the information needed to define a filter is in the _filterconditions view. Note: There is always a filter named "_allrows", which has no entries in _filterconditions. There is also sometimes a filter named "_simple", which defines the most recently performed "Quick" filter.
The _filterconditions View
Metakit format string: _filterconditions[_fcfilter:S,_fcposition:I,_fccolumn:S,_fcoperator:I,_fcconstant:S,_fccase:I]
This view contains information about each condition included in a filter. It uses the following columns:
- _fcfilter (string) - The name of a filter (as defined in _fname from the _filters view)
- _fcposition (integer) - The zero-based index at which this condition is located in the filter (0 is applied first, then 1, etc.)
- _fccolumn (string) - The name of the column to which this condition applies (as defined in _cname from the _columns view). May instead be "_anytext", indicating any text column.
- _fcoperator (integer) - Integer constant representing a comparison operator. The mapping between codes and operators is here.
- _fcconstant (string) - The constant against which the value of the named column is to be compared.
- _fccase (integer) - 1 if this is a string comparison that is to be case sensitive, 0 otherwise. Enum comparisons are always case sensitive.
The _enums View
Metakit format string: _enums[_ename:S,_eid:I,_eindex:I]
This view gives basic information about each enum column type which has been defined in the file. It uses the following columns:
- _ename (string) - The name of the enum.
- _eid (integer) - The internal ID number of the enum; also used as the _ctype value of columns of this enum type. Must be 100 or greater.
- _eindex (integer) - The zero-based index at which this enum is located among other enums in the column type list.
The _enumoptions View
Metakit format string: _enumoptions[_eoenum:I,_eoindex:I,_eotext:S]
This view defines the options which are available for each enum column type defined in the file. It uses the following columns:
- _eoenum (integer) - The _eid value of the enum this option belongs to.
- _eoindex (integer) - The zero-based index at which this option is located in the list of all the enum's options.
- _eotext (string) - The text content of this option.
The _calcs View
Metakit format string: _calcs[_calcid:I,_calcdecimals:I]
This view gives basic information about each calculation column which has been defined in the file. It uses the following columns:
- _calcid (integer) - The ID number of the column this calculation is used for, also used as the calculation ID.
- _calcdecimals (integer) - The number of digits to show after the decimal place for calculation results.
The _calcnodes View
Metakit format string: _calcnodes[_cnid:I,_cnnodeid:I,_cnparentid:I,_cntype:I,_cnvalue:S]
This view describes the nodes which define calculation columns. It uses the following columns:
- _cnid (integer) - The ID number of the calculation this node belongs to.
- _cnnodeid (integer) - The ID number of this node within its calculation. The lowest ID represents the root node; next is its first child node (if any), followed by that child's first child, etc.
- _cnparentid (integer) - The ID number of this node's parent node; for the root node, 0 is used.
- _cntype (integer) - The type of node this is; the mapping between codes and node types is here.
- _cnvalue (string) - The data component of the node; depending on the node type this can be a constant value, the name of another column, or empty.
The _crypto View
Metakit format string: _crypto[_criv:B,_crhash:B,_crdata:B]
This view is only present in files containing encrypted data. In such files, the only views present are this and _global; the rest of the views are stored in an encrypted block of data in this view. This view uses the following columns:
- _criv (bytes) - The random initialization vector used to start CBC mode encryption (needed in order to decrypt the data correctly)
- _crhash (bytes) - The SHA-1 hash of the original data after it was padded to a multiple of the Blowfish block size but before it was encrypted. Used to test if the data has been decrypted correctly.
- _crdata (bytes) - The encrypted data.
Version Mapping
The file format versions used by the PortaBase releases are as follows:
PortaBase Version | _gversion |
1.0 | 1 |
1.1 | 2 |
1.2 | 3 |
1.3 | 4 |
1.4 | 5 |
1.4.1 | 6 |
1.5 | 7 |
1.6 | 8 |
1.7 | 9 |
1.8 | 10 |
1.9, 2.0 | 11 |
Data Types
The column data types are represented as follows:
Code | Data Type | Metakit column type | Example values |
0 | String | string (S) | "answer to", "life", "universe and everything" |
1 | Integer | integer (I) | 6, 9, 42, -123 |
2 | Decimal | float (F) and string (S) | 123.45, -987.65 |
3 | Boolean | integer (I) | 0, 1 |
4 | Note | string (S) | This entire cell is one example value |
5 | Date | integer (I) | 20021113, 19990101 |
6 | Time | integer (I) | 0, 86399, 42000 |
7 | Calculation | float (F) and string (S) | 123.45, -987.65 |
8 | Sequence | integer (I) | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
9 | Image | bytes (B) | ![]() ![]() |
100, 101, 102... | Enum | string (S) and integer (I) | "Male", "Female", "Deposit", "Withdrawal" |
Note that a date value of 17520914 (the day Britain adopted the Gregorian calendar, previously the earliest date supported by Qt's QDate class) is treated as a null date and is displayed in PortaBase as blank. A time value is the number of seconds past midnight, with a value of -1 representing a null time displayed as blank.
Condition operators
Code | Operation |
0 | = |
1 | contains |
2 | starts with |
3 | < |
4 | > |
5 | <= |
6 | >= |
7 | != |
Calculation node types
Code | Node type |
0 | Numeric constant |
1 | Reference to a numeric column |
2 | Date constant (such as '2003-08-03') |
3 | Reference to a date column |
4 | Time constant (such as '11:43:27 AM') |
5 | Reference to a time column |
20 | Addition |
21 | Subtraction |
22 | Multiplication |
23 | Division |
24 | Difference between two dates, measured in days |
25 | Maximum |
26 | Minimum |
27 | Average |
28 | Absolute value |
29 | Square root |
30 | Base-10 logarithm |
31 | Natural logarithm |
32 | Difference between two times, measured in seconds |
33 | Difference between two times, measured in minutes |
34 | Difference between two times, measured in hours |
Version 11
- The value of _ctype is now allowed to be 9 (image)
- Calculation node types 4, 5, 32, 33, and 34 are now allowed
Version 10
- Added the _calcs view
- Added the _calcnodes view
- The value of _ctype is now allowed to be 7 (calculation) or 8 (sequence)
Version 9
- Version number incremented just to indicate that the enum option indices in the data table should be correct, which sometimes wasn't true for version 8
Version 8
- Added enum option index columns to _data
- Added _vsort and _vfilter to _views
- Added _gcrypt to _global
- Added the _crypto view (only present in encrypted files)
Version 7
- Added _vdeskrpp to _views
- Added _vcdeskwidth to _viewcolumns
Version 6
- Dropped _fcindex in favor of _fcposition, which has the correct data type and should avoid the upgrade problems that plagued version 5.
Version 5
- Added missing ":I" after _fcindex in _filterconditions format string
- The value of _ctype is now allowed to be 6 (time)
Version 4
- Changed the text encoding from Latin-1 to UTF-8
- Added the _enums view
- Added the _enumoptions view
- The value of _ctype is now allowed to be greater than 99 (enums)
- Added _cid to _columns
- Use generated column IDs for the _data view's column names instead of the user-entered column names (allows for better Unicode support)
Version 3
- Added the _filters view
- Added the _filterconditions view
- Added _gfilter to _global
- The value of _ctype is now allowed to be 5 (date)
Version 2
- Added the _sorts view
- Added the _sortcolumns view
- Added _gsort to _global
- The value of _ctype is now allowed to be 4 (note)
Version 1
- Format used in the first public release of PortaBase